Fiji Sun (2018-06-06):Mushroom Farming Suitable For Women


Mushroom Farming Suitable For Women

Mushroom Farming Suitable For Women

Minister for Women, Children and Poverty Alleviation and Acting Minister for Agriculture, Rural & Maritime Development & National Disaster Management & Meteorological Services Mereseini Vuniwaqa officiated at the Capacity Building Workshop on Juncao Technology and its Support to Achieve Sustainable Agriculture and the SDGs for Pacific Small Island Developing States at the Tanoa International Hotel in Nadi yesterday. Photo: WAISEA NASOKIA

The farming of mushrooms is more suit­able for women as it entails less inten­sive labour and could provide for a con­sistent source of income.

These were the words of Minister for Wom­en, Children and Poverty Alleviation and acting Minister for Agriculture, Rural and Maritime Development, National Disaster Management and Meteorological Services Mereseini Vuniwaqa.

Ms Vuniwaqa made the comments while speaking at the Capacity Building Workshop on Juncao Technology at the Tanoa Interna­tional in Nadi on Monday.

She said the technology not only increased farmers livelihood in China but also could be applied in other countries.

Juncao Technology promotes cultivation of mushrooms and the growing of Juncao grass which can be used as a supplement for live­stock feed.

It was developed by Professor Lin Zhanxi, who was present at the workshop, of the Fu­jian Agricultural and Forestry University in the 1980s.

Ms Vuniwaqa said mushroom cultivation was a new concept in the Pacific region and not many people knew how to grow or use them.

“Consuming mushrooms has a lot of health benefits given their high nutritional value,” she said.

“The technology enables farmers to grow several types of nutritious mushrooms from dried, chopped grasses, giving them a stable source of income thereby helping boost their livelihoods.”

She said Government was grateful to Peo­ple’s Republic of China for establishing the Mushroom Training and Development Centre in Fiji.

The centre was built in 2014.

She added a number of potential mushroom growers and extension officers had estab­lished demonstration sites around the coun­try.

“Many exhibitions have been set up to pro­mote cooking and consumption of mush­rooms around the country,” Ms Vuniwaqa said.

“The second phase of this project com­menced in December 2017.”

She said it included more structured train­ings for identified mushroom growers, re­search for identifying new varieties and substrates suitable for growing in local condi­tions.

